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RAGE.2011.Crack+CrashFix ONLY
Games > PC
2.36 GB

rage crash fix patch driver drivers

Oct 7, 2011

This is NOT THE FULL GAME! It is just a patch, crash fix, and updated crack! Also included are the new AMD Driver updates from 10/4/2011. No viruses! I am new to uploading torrents, but saw that there were not many crash fixes on here and I found one, and figured the rest of you guys deserve it too! PLEASE SEED!!!


When downloaded i'll seed for a while.
I hope it works
I tested it myself. Worked on my pc as I was desperate for a fix. Big letdown when it crashed after first mission, then I patched and its working fine! I have been seeding at 3 to 5 megabytes/sec 24/7. All I can ask of u guys is SEED SEED SEED please
DONT DOWNLOAD THIS! Avast 6 Warned about Trojan.Generic and i deleted it immendiately, and that way the hole torrent. and WTF almost 2.5gb of size for one crack and fix yeah? the game itself takes like 25gb after you have done install. FU*CK you A*SSSBUD why upload viruses WHY??
how can it contain trojans??? I just reran the executables and nothing happens, no extra processes, no warnings from Norton 360, no error messages, no cmd console popups. This is not a ****ing virus!
Also @face_book if you could read, it says NOT THE FULL GAME!!! Should be quite obvious as it is in all caps in the first sentence. If you dont read things before you download on the internet, it is no wonder why you have viruses! I can assure you that none of them came from this torrent as well. Why else would I have gained over 40 seeders on utorrent in the past few hours if this was a bad torrent.
This does not contain trojans, Norton 360 scan results came back clean. No extra processes. Just so you know, many protection disabling cracks are mistaken as trojans on certain AV software. Also, it says in all caps, first sentence, this is not the full game. please read, and please seed
proof that there are no trojans guys. I will be uploading other scan results as well once they complete.¤t=scan.jpg
Yap i using AVG 9 and to me shows clean, that @Facebook was some child or moron who dont want to download that's all
any1 can confirm this, or this is a joke?
Sadly but same error after intro :(
how to install?
Install the driver if you have amd graphics card. Then extract the patch to directory, then extract both fixes to directory. Extract crack to directory as well. Make sure you replace files! Do not rename. All files with same name that are copied in are to replace the old data with updated/fixed data. After crack is installed run the fix exe file(s). Then run the game.
@alimpas 83 please comment the error message or describe what happens. May just be the way u installed.
thanks Nname

Download these ATI users.
worked for me... vista 32 ATI..
TRY IT/AMD Catalyst 11.10 Preview Driver for Windows® 7 / Vista®
doesn't work, still crashes
Thank you momolb! Patch also fixed the screen tearing in my BF3.
@aryadev please make sure you have the RAGE copy from this torrent ( as this is the one I successfully tested the patch, fix, and crack on.
@aryadev make sure you have the RAGE copy found in this torrent here ( , as that is the one I successfully tested the patch, fix, and crack with.
Just curious what crash this fixes? I'm 8 hours into the game and I do get crashes from time to time, usually after a loading screen. Is this just the intro crash fix?

Just want to say this is a really good game. You would know 6-7 years of development went into the game. It is lots of fun to play. But holy shit, what the fuck is with the PC release? Complete clusterfuck. ID, get your act together.
where'd this RAGE.leak.patch.rar come from? u just happen to be the only person on any site uploading it or even mentioning it being leaked?
It did fix the intro crash fix. I have not seen any crashing yet with the game (after the patching and fixing) and I'm about 6 hours in. I totally agree, for that much dev time, the game shouldn't need a patching right off the launch. It's a shame.
@elessarGObonzo well i got the patch leak from wupload premium. No one seemed to have it on torrent, and it worked for me when I used it so I figured I'd better start spreading it around. I can't seem to find the file anymore, it says the file had been removed so i consider myself very lucky to have downloaded it, then find hours later it was removed.
i get a freeze evry sec. impossible to play even with these.
@morepunk make sure it is the otherwise the patch may not work as well. Also, make sure you have the right specs to run the game. That also means download the latest drivers for your hardware. Also, running through steam, origin, etc will cause this i found out. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling. Only extracting all the RAR files to a folder then copying them to the RAGE directory. Make sure you merge all folders and replace all files with the new ones you're copying. Once that is complete, run the executable file and install the patch. Then run the game.
ok i can confirm this works. i couldnt play for 5 min. at it chrashes after patch all is fine.
thx for this

ps no viruses in in it also

havernt had a crash yet even with out this people the amd people have said do not use there rage drivers as there not up to scratch if some one could help solve the texture pop and tear would be nice wish i had a niv card right now !
hi, my game doesnt crash but it freezes every 3 seconds , does this fix that too ?
Thanks Slittel, glad things worked out for you! Irishboyblue, thats good for you that you havent had a crash yet, do you have the retail version? Also, I would like to stress that the last AMD driver update ( was released less than 24 hours ago, and I have heard nothing but good news about that driver release. @HSD112 You might want to get the drivers from the link in this comment and see if that works (if you have an AMD video card). Also, make sure your computer can handle the game! It can't hurt the give the patch a try. I only have tested it on the Skidrow version ( If you use the patch make sure to back your original files up just in case something goes wrong. But, patching may help your situation. Also, make sure you are not running the game through steam or anything, that made my copy lag real bad.
sorry m8 just noticed there is a new driver hope it works i was on about that rage driver from the 4tth
no problem, hope everything works out!
I got atioglxx.dll error after intro game, and i updated your video driver like you said, i overwrited all data and crack files still not works :(.
May i do 1 more time with fresh Rage install if not its really not working for me
btw im using Skidrow version in 3 dvds
no change, still having crashes after 5-6 loading screens
@olimpas83 thats not a problem with any of the torrent files or the game itself for that matter. Its a driver problem. You most likely just need to do a clean uninstall of all the graphics drivers and reinstall the latest drivers as your original install was probably corrupted.

maybe you right need to remove ati drive, then newly install yours video driver
no i freshly installed you video and it not work, you post pic if it runs smoothly, if you i waste time on nothing then :P to deleting and overwriting over :( :P
Thanks but didn't worked. I folloved the steps carefully and after the intro it's crashed AGAIN...-_-
I think I will buy an X-box 360 and throw my pc to the trash..
Nname1 ty for the effort but no change at all man need a patch soon and a texture pack my 5850,s are itching to play this !
One thing you should all know is if you have catalyst A.I. on. turn it off! After I did that the horrible skipping stopped. I have no idea why it does that.
I will post a video of this running smoothly after I get out of work
i installed AMD driver then i extracted patch to game directory and crash fix 1 and 2 and runned exe s and extracted the crack and again i get the same error(rage has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience)
ok i fixed the crash problem now when i come to campain game freezes every second so its imbossible to play respond please if somebody knows how to fix this problem
set your catalyst game settings all to application preference. Make sure you have the drivers all installed correctly
You guys need to FORCE V-SYNC I have an ati hd6950 2gb card and it runs smooth however I still get a lot of texture popping and even texture corruption here and there...even on NPC's.

turn all your ccc settings to balanced or performance, turn off any of the extras including aa and af. use vsyn and turn off AI

regardless of 1280x720 or 1920x1080 I still get the same 30-60 fps. Sometimes even when I am getting 50 fps the screen looks to be lagging when the fps don't drop. I have never seen that before.

The only errors I get with the skidrow is sometimes when I load a new area the game freezes and hangs and I have to restart it.

Save a lot manually. Also I found it helps to make sure you have the specific quest toggled for the area you are going to. I don't know why that helps but for some reason it does.

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with this texture loading shit. A lot of cards have 2gb memory now..use it you know. The backgrounds look better than the foreground. I see lots of low resolution(worse than console) textures allllll over the place.

Its not the torrent that is broken. Its the game. They are going to release a patch to enable v synce and lots of other options in the game.

For some reason with this game it would run better with a low end computer lol.

Just thought i would add trainer:-
you can find the video with proof on youtube on the profile Nnam1fy
updates have not fixed the issues for most people. latest Rage/BF3 AMD update has helped some but u have to manually fix things by adding the rageconfig.cfg file options and forcing v-sync on thru GPU. if u can't accomplish this u shouldn't be playing PC games anyway.
i had all the troubles at first but game is now running perfect most of the time for me at 1080p fullscreen with highest settings. in CCC everything also set at highest settings with "use application settings" always checked.
all stuff that has already been said....

i got this to work and this is how

if you have the blackbox or rip version do this

browse game directory

2.delete every .dll file and ini files and the rage.exe

3. unrar CrashFix.part1.rar and part 2 and you should get a crash.exe run it and should reinstall those exes and dlls you just deleted [ now the crack is from 3dm ] not skidrow



it only works for amd raedons cards of series 5xxx or 6xxx

below 5xxx series like 4xxx or 3xxx it does not work

should take like 30 minutes to install

5. now you start the game with has no graphics options and this is a xbox 360 shitty import

you don't need a the crack.rar or RAGE.leak.patch.rar they are only if you have a preloaded version

it works also for skidrow version just install and don't put the crack the crash.exe puts the crack for u
edit step 2

leave the folders only delete the dlls and exe and ini
elturbo, could you elaborate on step 3?

I extracted the files in CrashFix.part1.rar to Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Rage and ran the executable, with the target set to Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Rage. I then repeated the process with CrashFix.part2.rar. The crack is in the bin folder as well.

I'm still experiencing issues. I feel like I extracted the files to the wrong location or performed the extraction improperly.
2.36 gigs for a crack and crash fix?
you got a crash or what

the target is ok the exe can be anywhere in pc it does not have to be on the main folder of the game
where is catalyst control center????????
@SuperFulcrum the Catalyst control center is for AMD/ATI video card users only. It usually has an icon on the system tray if it is running. If not you can usually find it in start menu > programs. Try searching if you can't find it. Keep in mind u had to have installed it, if you just installed the drivers and not CCC then it obviously won't be there. I dont recommend installing without CCC because it can be pretty useful in situations such as this one.
Still experiencing low framerates, textures still look like they're from 10 years ago, and gameplay is almost impossible. Everything seems to move in slow motion all the time.

Glad I pirated this game. Would have been pissed if I'd spent 60 dollars to deal with such a sloppy launch.
I did ALL the steps in this torrent but my game STILL CRASHES right and doesn't even open for the intro scene i get:

ERROR: GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex not available

@elturbo9077 What was the problem you were having before you did all those steps? Were you having the same problem as me and that fixed it or what?
Installed this and it still crashes just like before on every 5th or so loading screen. Playable though, just have to restart the game a lot. And graphics still sucks, the way it loads textures. Runs smoothly on my machine at least.
product key plzs

i had a problem with a crash after you press and run rage.exe and that problem you have you can do two thing download the skidrow update 1 gb which fixes that problem according to the changelog or comments on rls rlf or sorry don"t know or try to find out it seems that problem is for nvidia cards and i got a ati i got new nvidia card pc which i got 2 days ago and this is happen to it seems to effect on nvidia

anyone else getting like .5 FPS when they use 11.10 AMD drivers?
ok there is no catalyst control center on my PC and i have ATI Radeon HD 3600 but never mind I already gave up from this game so THX for all help but its not working
@wolfwood428 make sure all the settings for catalyst control center are at application preference, turn the AA and filtering down. Force vsync as well. Make sure u have the second prerelease driver or better. Also, of course, make sure u have the specs to run the game at decent fps
yeah i am also getting like .5 fps. i feel like a moron since it worked fine the first time i ran the game but i decided to update my drivers. DOH. now nothing i have done has fixed it. ive tried everything i can find.
Thanks Nname1 but unfortunately it didn't work =/ i can only play it if i have the old 11.8 Catalyst... and i cannot get past the friggin Mutant Bash TV part of the story... oh well i'll just have to wait for an update or sumthin
oh and yeah my machine can Definately handle this game no problem i got a AMD 6790 and a i5 760 2.8 Quad core and 4Gb of Ram.
BEWARE - Not sure if this does have a virus but I can tell you that after I extracted Crack Fix part 1, one of the files played havok with my explorer.exe. It took me about an hour to gt rid of the file as explorer.exe consistently crashed.
@jcorbin69993 I can assure you that the file does not attach to explorer. I would never put my machine into danger and you can see that I have it on my computer in the youtube video
Rage.1683.2 win-x86 Release Oct 3 2011 11:22:59
------ Initializing File System ------
Current search path:
C:/Users/ADAM/Saved Games/id Software/Rage/base/
C:/Program Files (x86)/Bethesda Softworks/Rage/base/
file system initialized.
1 CPU package, 4 cores, 8 total logical processors
3 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT & EM64T
32768 kB 1st level cache, 262144 kB 2nd level cache, 8388608 kB 3rd level cache
6144 MB System Memory
0 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: {F87BC6F1-D836-4208-9BCD-A2FACC2FCA8C} Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller -
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
idLib::SetProduction( PROD_PRODUCTION )
idLib::SetProduction( PROD_DEVELOPMENT )
couldn't exec rageConfig.cfg
Resetting cheat cvar: aas2_showFloorTrace
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_alignToPointDist
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_minCornerCircleRadius
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_cornerCircleRadius
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_turningCircleAlignmentTolerance
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_pointTolerance
Resetting cheat cvar: atv_bumpForwardScale
Resetting cheat cvar: aa_ZoomSnapScale
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_playerScaleMinimum
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_scaleMinimum
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_ScreenPercentage
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_IconSizeSplitscreen
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_IconSize
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_GoalHeightOffset
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_scale_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_scale_vehicle
Resetting cheat cvar: blendTree_scale
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_jobnav_mindist
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_first_step_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_step_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_first_step
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_step
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_scopeZoomDistance
Resetting cheat cvar: gc_fictionBlurAmount
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_invFadeTime
Resetting cheat cvar: cine_cameraAccel
Resetting cheat cvar: rcbomb_initialOffset
Resetting cheat cvar: cam_deathCamblurTime
Resetting cheat cvar: cam_deathCamblurAmount
Resetting cheat cvar: revivecam_HeightEnd
Resetting cheat cvar: revivecam_HeightStart
Resetting cheat cvar: spl_qn_pathbonus
Resetting cheat cvar: spl_qn_zpenelty
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_NonPlayerOneShotChance
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_droppedLootDistance
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_jump_dist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_dist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_decayIn
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_decayOut
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_checkDist
Resetting cheat cvar: g_playerDamageThreshold
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_combatSubtitleRange
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_subtitleRange
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MaxDmg
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MinDmg
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MaxVel
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MinVel
Resetting cheat cvar: v_steerControlClamp
Resetting cheat cvar: v_steerControlInfluence
Resetting cheat cvar: v_compressiontime
Resetting cheat cvar: v_dusttime
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientZoomInDelay
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_warnDist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_minDistZ
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_Lerp
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_minDist
Resetting cheat cvar: net_voiceVolume
Resetting cheat cvar: net_peer_throttle_bps_decay
Resetting cheat cvar: net_debughud3_bps_max
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear
created OpenGL 3.2 context on NVIDIA Corporation
----- GL_Init -----
OpenGL version 3.2
GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility
GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth

Crash Fix Solution For Wasted Garage & Sewers

Before you enter the doors for each of the above lower you resolution settings by 50%.

Enter through the door

Increase your resolution to original setting

Save game

Problem Fixed

For those ith ATI cards whose games wont even start, download the AMD Rage performance driver from this link. There's a link to instructions on the same page.
well the crash seems to be fixed with newer game version, if anyone can get a torrent of that up, with a crack
thanks for the support guys on my first torrent, glad the game seems to be fixed with a recent patching. hope to see some good support for whatever I find next to put up
i dont know what is wrong with the game over here but its nuked!!!
my specs are awesome and should take it like a boss but for some reason i get 1frame per 3 seconds.
its horrible!!!
please help...
ive tried the rage patch from amd and ive tried running as admin and of course this patch.
nothing works.
I give up with this damn BROKEN Fuckin Game..!!It did not worked for me and i did all the steps and nothing.!!It keeps continues CTD and it wont let me to load my save games.And i use the update from an another torrent but no cigar from there to.!!I am not sure if its an ATI thing only problem or generaly its a very problematic game..!Anyways in a few months or so i will have my new Nvidia GTX 570 and i will give it again a try.Btw @Nname1 thanks for the upload.
Hey @Nname1! Liked your torrent, good speed, no viruses, but sadly it didnt fix it though. Just one thing, i saw this facebook guy who said it contained viruses etc. i checked it at, so should you :) Virustotal check the file(s) with all the virus, malware, keylogger and all the other programs out there! Pretty nice little website, just a tip.
I'm not getting Rage to work, I got Win XP and SP3, is that a problem? I saw on the requirements that you can run it with XP SP3...

Also I can't seem to find the newest driver for my ATI Radeon HD 4800 card..
okay, I got it running smoothly..
BUT.. graphics are all weird, huge black blocks flickering all over the place... what did I need to do to fix those again?

already got the newest graphics driver and the catalyst rage preformance driver.. what am I missing?
okay.. I got rid of the black squares.. now I'm left with horizontal flashy lines and seizuring flashy characters.. any ideas?

OS: Win XP SP3, Vista, Win 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad or Equivalent AMD
Memory: 4GB
Hard Disk Space: 25GB
Video Card: GeForce 9800 GTX, ATI Radeon HD 5550
Ati cards owners must install Ati/AMD Catalyst 11.10 to run it propely.
I have q6600 and hd4870 and it runs 60fps with max settings.
First update game, then run crash fix, and then copy the crack.
Hey i tried every thing and still i cant get the game to work it just crashes or closes than gives me a screen that says bunch of error that is blue
Can any one help me> Contact me at
go to arstechnica and search for the fixes they used on RAGE. There you will find some fixes for problems. Other than that I hate to say it, but I do not know what else to do. As of now all the known fixes/enhancements I know of are on that link and in the fix that I uploaded. Keep checking skidrow for updates on their website